Agriculture, Sunday Snaps

Sunday Snaps: January 4, 2020

It's 2020! March will mark four years since I started Farmer's Grace, and I'm hoping to make this year the best one yet! If you don't already, be sure to head over to Facebook and "like" Farmer's Grace. You'll get to keep up on the latest blog content as well as quick thoughts, current happenings… Continue reading Sunday Snaps: January 4, 2020


Keeping Our Cool in the Hot Summer

They say if you don't like the weather in Illinois, wait a few hours and it will change. And let me tell you, the pigs and I are VERY glad it changed! The end of last week was miserable. I'm talking a real feel of 105° and humidity that had to have been at least… Continue reading Keeping Our Cool in the Hot Summer


Day One Piglet Care

Day One Care is my absolute favorite part of being a pig farmer. What is Day One Care, you ask? It's the special care we take on a piglet's first day of life to make sure they get off to the best start possible. From the minute our piglets are born, there are a few… Continue reading Day One Piglet Care

Sunday Snaps

Sunday Snaps: April 1, 2018

It's almost 5 o'clock and I'm trying to figure out where in the heck my weekend went! Don't you just hate when that happens? Sometimes I can blame it on being busy, but this weekend I'm afraid I spent more time sleeping than anything. Oh well, sometimes you just need a lazy weekend. I don't… Continue reading Sunday Snaps: April 1, 2018

Agriculture, Illinois Farm Bureau, Sunday Snaps

Sunday Snaps: March 4, 2018

Sunday, we meet again. As I sit here watching Fixer Upper, drinking my coffee, and scrolling through photos, I can't ignore the fact that there are muddy paw prints on my kitchen floor, dirty dishes in the sink, and laundry chilling on the couch just waiting to be folded. I have a pretty hefty to-do… Continue reading Sunday Snaps: March 4, 2018

Agriculture, Sunday Snaps

Sunday Snaps: February 4, 2018

Happy Superbowl Sunday! For some, today is a day full of food, friends, and football. For me, it's more about sweatpants and napping until the Halftime Show. My dogs and I have even taken to calling it Snooze-per-bowl Sunday. I'm just not a big sports fan, ok? I can't even confidently tell you what teams… Continue reading Sunday Snaps: February 4, 2018

Agriculture, Illinois Farm Bureau, Uncategorized

Flat Aggie Came to Visit!

We have had a very special visitor on the farm for the last two weeks! Flat Aggie, Flat Stanley's cousin, travels all over the United States visiting farms and ranches to learn about agriculture. We had the pleasure of hosting Aggie for a few weeks during farrowing season, so he learned all about the pigs… Continue reading Flat Aggie Came to Visit!

Agriculture, Sunday Snaps

Sunday Snaps: February 5, 2017

Stop! If you haven't read my post, "Meet Belle," you should definitely go check it out before reading this one! It will help set the stage for my excitement from this week. I've been dying to write this post since Wednesday because my beautiful Belle finally had piglets! I almost cried when I discovered them!… Continue reading Sunday Snaps: February 5, 2017

Sunday Snaps

Sunday Snaps: January 22, 2017

If you follow me on Facebook, Snapchat, or Instagram (@gracelynndale on all platforms), you may have noticed that I'm loving sharing quick snippets about the farm as often as I can. I think I may be going through Ag in the Classroom withdrawals, so I'm taking every opportunity to continue spreading knowledge of agriculture to… Continue reading Sunday Snaps: January 22, 2017


Farming Isn’t Fun

Farming isn't fun. I know what you're probably thinking. "This girl always tries to prove how great farm life is, and now she's saying it's not fun. She has officially lost it." But it's true. It's not always fun. We've had a Crossbred gilt (a girl pig who hasn't farrowed yet) in the crate for… Continue reading Farming Isn’t Fun